Information regarding the issuance certificate that allows companies to prove to banks, local authorities and partners that they have been affected by the crisis:

Cum se vor acorda certificate de situaţie de urgenţă (CSU) operatorilor economici a căror activitate este afectată în contextul pandemiei SARS-CoV-2 - Financial Intelligence

Information regarding VAT reimbursement and “technical unemployment” - which means the government will cover up to 75% of the salary of people who get fired:

Statul va plăti 75% din șomajul tehnic. Crește cu 5 miliarde plafonul de creditare pentru IMM-uri, iar TVA-ul va fi rambursat

An initiative by the private sector to pull resources together and help out hospitals with anything from money to supplies and human resources:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - cum vă putem ajuta?